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Create Accounts via CLI

You can easily create wallets without a traditional GUI via Canine: Jackal CLI tool.

Canine is handy if you’re developing apps or you want to automate stuff on the Jackal Protocol.

Download and Install

First, head to the Releases page on GitHub to download the binary for your system.

Execute the canine command to verify your installation.


You should get the complete set of commands available on Canine if your installation is successful.

Setting up an Account

You can create a new account with the keys add command :

canined keys add {account name}

If you have an existing account, add the --recover flag to add it.

canined keys add {account name} --recover

Buying Storage

You can purchase storage with your account in the same vein. Execute this command to buy 1TB of storage for a month:

canined tx storage buy-storage $(canined keys show {account name} -a) 31 1099511627776 ujkl --from {account name} --gas-prices=0.02ujkl

In this case, 31 is 31 days, or one month, you can specify the days and amount of storage.

Here, 1099511627776 is how many bytes you wish to purchase, this value is 1TiB, you can increase this or decrease this as you please.