Jackal Protocol Documentation
With Jackal storage, you can purchase and manage storage on-demand for your Archway contracts, without the need for intermediaries or credit cards. This approach empowers users to store their data securely and privately, while developers can build more resilient and innovative applications.
Getting Started with Jackal.js
npm install @jackallabs/jackal.js
Basic Setup
To get started building with Jackal, we first need to create a StorageHandler.
import type { IClientSetup, IStorageHandler, ClientHandler } from '@jackallabs/jackal.js'
// Chain Configuration
const chainId = 'jackal-1'
const mainnet = {
endpoint: 'https://rpc.jackalprotocol.com',
chainConfig: {
chainName: 'Jackal Mainnet',
rpc: 'https://rpc.jackalprotocol.com',
rest: 'https://api.jackalprotocol.com',
bip44: {
coinType: 118
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: 'JKL',
coinMinimalDenom: 'ujkl',
coinDecimals: 6
bech32Config: {
bech32PrefixAccAddr: 'jkl',
bech32PrefixAccPub: 'jklpub',
bech32PrefixValAddr: 'jklvaloper',
bech32PrefixValPub: 'jklvaloperpub',
bech32PrefixConsAddr: 'jklvalcons',
bech32PrefixConsPub: 'jklvalconspub'
currencies: [
coinDenom: 'JKL',
coinMinimalDenom: 'ujkl',
coinDecimals: 6
feeCurrencies: [
coinDenom: 'JKL',
coinMinimalDenom: 'ujkl',
coinDecimals: 6,
gasPriceStep: {
low: 0.002,
average: 0.002,
high: 0.02
features: []
// Archway Configuration
export const archwayChainId = 'archway-1'
export const archwayConfig = {
chainId: archwayChainId,
chainName: 'Archway',
rpc: 'https://archway-rpc.polkachu.com',
rest: 'https://archway-api.polkachu.com',
bip44: {
coinType: 118
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: 'ARCH',
coinMinimalDenom: 'aarch',
coinDecimals: 18
bech32Config: {
bech32PrefixAccAddr: 'arch',
bech32PrefixAccPub: 'archpub',
bech32PrefixValAddr: 'archvaloper',
bech32PrefixValPub: 'archvaloperpub',
bech32PrefixConsAddr: 'archvalcons',
bech32PrefixConsPub: 'archvalconspub'
currencies: [
coinDenom: 'ARCH',
coinMinimalDenom: 'aarch',
coinDecimals: 18
feeCurrencies: [
coinDenom: 'ARCH',
coinMinimalDenom: 'aarch',
coinDecimals: 18,
gasPriceStep: {
low: 196000000000,
average: 225400000000,
high: 254800000000
features: []
// Client Setup
const setup: IClientSetup = {
host: {
chainId: archwayChainId,
endpoint: 'https://archway-rpc.polkachu.com',
chainConfig: archwayConfig,
endpoint: mainnet.endpoint,
chainConfig: mainnet.chainConfig,
chainId: mainnet.chainId,
networks: ["archway", "jackal"],
selectedWallet: 'keplr',
const myClient = await ClientHandler.connect(setup)
const storage: IStorageHandler = await myClient.createWasmStorageHandler()
storage.loadProviderPool() // load the available provider pool
Core Functions
Storage Purchase
Purchasing storage requires an IBC send to ensure the account on Jackal has the correct amount of tokens. The following code demonstrates how to IBC send over the required JKL difference.
async function buyStorage () {
const gb = SOME_GB_VALUE
const days = SOME_DAY_COUNT
const usd = getUSDPrice() // get USD price of storage plan, function body not included here.
const price = Math.floor(usd / PRICE_OF_JACKAL_TOKEN_IN_USD * 1000000 * 1.15)
const coin = await myClient.getJklBalance()
const hostBal = await myClient.getHostNetworkBalance(myClient.getHostAddress(), 'ibc/926432AE1C5FA4F857B36D970BE7774C7472079506820B857B75C5DE041DD7A3')
let bal = coin.amount
if (bal < price) {
if (hostBal.amount < price - bal) {
throw ('You do not have enough JKL on Archway')
const c: Coin = {
amount: (price - bal).toString(),
denom: 'ibc/926432AE1C5FA4F857B36D970BE7774C7472079506820B857B75C5DE041DD7A3'
await myClient.ibcSend(myClient.getICAJackalAddress(), c, 'channel-14')
const c = await myClient.getJklBalance()
bal = c.amount
while (bal < price) {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000))
const c = await myClient.getJklBalance()
bal = c.amount
await storage.purchaseStoragePlan({
broadcastOptions: {
monitorTimeout: 5 * 60 // 5 minute timeout since we're using IBC
File Operations
Uploading Files
// unlock full feature set
await storage.upgradeSigner()
// if first time using account, initialize
await storage.initStorage()
// load root directory if not already loaded
await storage.loadDirectory('Home')
// upload encrypted file
/* get your file into the browser */
const myFiles = [/* Files */]
await storage.queuePrivate(myFiles)
await storage.processAllQueues()
// upload public (unencrypted) file
/* get your file into the browser */
const myPublicFiles = [/* Files */]
await storage.queuePublic(myPublicFiles)
await storage.processAllQueues()
Downloading Files
// create a tracker to monitor download progress
const tracker = { progress: 0, chunks: [] }
const myFileName = 'myFileName.txt'
// Home is the default root folder for all Jackal.js accounts
const myFile = await storage.downloadFile(`Home/${myFileName}`, tracker)
// do something with myFile
Contract Integration
Custom Contract Example
Below is a trimmed down version of our outpost factory contract. This contract provides two main functions: CreateOutpost for creating a new copy of the storage-outpost, and a query function for determining which controller contract to call for file uploads.
#[cfg(not(feature = "library"))]
use cosmwasm_std::entry_point;
use cosmwasm_std::{to_json_binary, Binary, Deps, DepsMut, Env, MessageInfo, Response, StdResult};
use crate::error::ContractError;
use crate::msg::{ExecuteMsg, InstantiateMsg, QueryMsg};
use crate::state::{ContractState, STATE};
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn instantiate(
deps: DepsMut,
_env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
msg: InstantiateMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
&ContractState::new(msg.storage_outpost_code_id, info.sender.to_string()),
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn execute(
deps: DepsMut,
env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
msg: ExecuteMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
match msg {
ExecuteMsg::CreateOutpost {
} => execute::create_outpost(deps, env, info, channel_open_init_options),
ExecuteMsg::MapUserOutpost { outpost_owner} => execute::map_user_outpost(deps, env, info, outpost_owner),
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn query(deps: Deps, _env: Env, msg: QueryMsg) -> StdResult<Binary> {
match msg {
QueryMsg::GetContractState {} => to_json_binary(&query::state(deps)?),
QueryMsg::GetUserOutpostAddress { user_address } => to_json_binary(&query::user_outpost_address(deps, user_address)?),
QueryMsg::GetAllUserOutpostAddresses { } => to_json_binary(&query::get_all_user_outpost_addresses(deps)?),
// Implementation modules
mod execute {
// ... (rest of the execute implementation)
mod query {
// ... (rest of the query implementation)
For more detailed information about the contract implementation, please refer to our GitHub repository.
Integrating Custom Contracts with Jackal.js
To use a custom contract instead of the default Outpost Factory with Jackal.js, simply add a contract field to the createWasmStorageHandler function call:
myStorageHandler.createWasmStorageHandler({contract: 'YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HERE'})