Archway Quickstart
Installing Dependencies
npm install @jackallabs/jackal.js
To get started building with Jackal, we first need to create a StorageHandler
import type { IClientSetup, IStorageHandler, ClientHandler } from '@jackallabs/jackal.js'
const chainId = 'jackal-1'
const mainnet = {
endpoint: '',
chainConfig: {
chainName: 'Jackal Mainnet',
rpc: '',
rest: '',
bip44: {
coinType: 118
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: 'JKL',
coinMinimalDenom: 'ujkl',
coinDecimals: 6
bech32Config: {
bech32PrefixAccAddr: 'jkl',
bech32PrefixAccPub: 'jklpub',
bech32PrefixValAddr: 'jklvaloper',
bech32PrefixValPub: 'jklvaloperpub',
bech32PrefixConsAddr: 'jklvalcons',
bech32PrefixConsPub: 'jklvalconspub'
currencies: [
coinDenom: 'JKL',
coinMinimalDenom: 'ujkl',
coinDecimals: 6
feeCurrencies: [
coinDenom: 'JKL',
coinMinimalDenom: 'ujkl',
coinDecimals: 6,
gasPriceStep: {
low: 0.002,
average: 0.002,
high: 0.02
features: []
export const archwayChainId = 'archway-1'
export const archwayConfig = {
chainId: archwayChainId,
chainName: 'Archway',
rpc: '',
rest: '',
bip44: {
coinType: 118
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: 'ARCH',
coinMinimalDenom: 'aarch',
coinDecimals: 18
bech32Config: {
bech32PrefixAccAddr: 'arch',
bech32PrefixAccPub: 'archpub',
bech32PrefixValAddr: 'archvaloper',
bech32PrefixValPub: 'archvaloperpub',
bech32PrefixConsAddr: 'archvalcons',
bech32PrefixConsPub: 'archvalconspub'
currencies: [
coinDenom: 'ARCH',
coinMinimalDenom: 'aarch',
coinDecimals: 18
feeCurrencies: [
coinDenom: 'ARCH',
coinMinimalDenom: 'aarch',
coinDecimals: 18,
gasPriceStep: {
low: 196000000000,
average: 225400000000,
high: 254800000000
features: []
const setup: IClientSetup = {
host: {
chainId: archwayChainId,
endpoint: '',
chainConfig: archwayConfig,
endpoint: mainnet.endpoint,
chainConfig: mainnet.chainConfig,
chainId: mainnet.chainId,
networks: ["archway", "jackal"],
selectedWallet: 'keplr',
const myClient = await ClientHandler.connect(setup)
const storage: IStorageHandler = await myClient.createWasmStorageHandler()
storage.loadProviderPool() // load the available provider pool
Purchasing Storage
Purchase storage requires an IBC send to make sure the account on Jackal has the correct amount of tokens, in this code snippet we IBC send over the JKL difference needed.
async function buyStorage () {
const gb = SOME_GB_VALUE
const days = SOME_DAY_COUNT
const usd = getUSDPrice() // get USD price of storage plan, function body not included here.
const price = Math.floor(usd / PRICE_OF_JACKAL_TOKEN_IN_USD * 1000000 * 1.15)
const coin = await myClient.getJklBalance()
const hostBal = await myClient.getHostNetworkBalance(myClient.getHostAddress(), 'ibc/926432AE1C5FA4F857B36D970BE7774C7472079506820B857B75C5DE041DD7A3')
let bal = coin.amount
if (bal < price) {
if (hostBal.amount < price - bal) {
throw ('You do not have enough JKL on Archway')
const c: Coin = {
amount: (price - bal).toString(),
denom: 'ibc/926432AE1C5FA4F857B36D970BE7774C7472079506820B857B75C5DE041DD7A3'
await myClient.ibcSend(myClient.getICAJackalAddress(), c, 'channel-14')
const c = await myClient.getJklBalance()
bal = c.amount
while (bal < price) {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000))
const c = await myClient.getJklBalance()
bal = c.amount
await storage.purchaseStoragePlan({
broadcastOptions: {
monitorTimeout: 5 * 60 // 5 minute timeout since we're using IBC
Continue normally from here with Jackal.js Quickstart.